Photos from my Life

Below are some photos that feel meaningful to me right now.

cat on a cardboard box

This is Tip. He is very handsome and very bad. We were moving away from Minneapolis so I could go to the Helen Zell Writers Program at the University of Michigan. Friends helped us move; at the end, furniture-less, we ate pizza on a cardboard box.

Very good friends and fellow Mighigan MFA students playing darts in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Unfortunately, everyone involved was extremely bad at darts. The game lasted about 3 hours because no one could hit the bull’s eye.

playing darts
preaching to fish

This was on the wall of a church in Portugal, titled "Sermon of Saint Anthony to the Fish."

I don’t know why Saint Anthony was giving a sermon to the fish—but isn’t it more fun not knowing? And perhaps we should all take a page from Saint Anthony’s book. There are many squirrels in my backyard. I’m going to start giving them a piece of my mind!

Taken at Tech Jam in Burlington, Vermont.
Why is it that, whenever I see someone with virtual reality goggles on, I am left with a feeling of
total dread?

Tip standing up